Flemingsberg Science Foundation privacy policy
This website and it´s functions are powered by the Flemingsberg Science Foundation. This privacy policy details how Flemingsberg Science Foundation processes the personal data of those who are interested in the work of the Foundation. The personal data of Flemingsberg Science employees are processed in accordance with the Foundation’s personnel manual.
Responsibility for personal data
Flemingsberg Science is responsible for processing personal data collected via www.flemingbergscience.se, as well at the request of individuals who contact us to subscribe to newsletters and seminar invitations from us. Our data protection officer is Pernilla Boström, pernilla.bostrom@flemingsbergscience.se, +46 703 35 25 77. The role of the data protection officer is to ensure that Flemingsberg Science complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Subscriptions to newsletters from Flemingsberg Science and invitations to seminars organized by Flemingsberg Science Personal data, (name, email, profession), that are provided when subscribing to our newsletters and seminar invitations are active only for as long as you are a Flemingsberg Science subscriber. Flemingsberg Science Foundation uses the online software platform MailChimp to manage email distribution lists, and to send newsletters. For invitations to our seminars, we use the platform Luma. We receive statistics regarding the number of attendees to our seminars including no-shows from MailChimp and Luma. When seminars are co-hosted with other organizers, such organizers are permitted access to a list of registered attendees including their name, email address and affiliation. During seminars, a list of attendees including name and organizational affiliation is distributed to attendees. With the above exception, personal data is never shared with third parties.
Right to request information
You are entitled to know what personal data Flemingsberg Science Foundation has about you and to correct this information if necessary. If you would like to know what personal data Flemingsberg Science Foundation holds about you, please email Pernilla Boström at pernilla.bostrom@flemingsbergscience.se.
Manage your subscription preferences
In the footer of all Flemingsberg Science Foundation mailings, you will find two links: Unsubscribe from this list and Update subscription preferences. Please use these links to manage your subscription preferences. Changes may also be emailed to pernilla.bostrom@flemingsbergscience.se. To unsubscribe from community related emails, you are welcome to contact josefine.bresmar@flemingsbergscience.se