Flemingsberg Science Foundation
There is a unique collaboration between academia, industry, and society in Flemingsberg . Here, we share knowledge, innovation, and success.
At the Flemingsberg Science Foundation, we work to develop Flemingsberg into one of Sweden’s most significant centers for education, research, and creativity. By participating in various projects and initiatives, we contribute to both increasing the attractiveness of the area and strengthening the scientific environment.
The Flemingsberg Science Foundation is here for those interested in knowledge and research from Campus Flemingsberg. We open the door to knowledge exchange and collaboration with the campus’s world-leading researchers, innovative companies, and motivated students.
By collaborating with Campus Flemingsberg, your organization can gain new perspectives on problems and access our infrastructure for research and innovation in an international environment. Whether you work in a company, a government agency, or an organization, we can help you find the right avenues, expertise, and contacts.

Johnny Högberg
CEO, Flemingsberg Science
+46 70 550 12 73
Pernilla Boström
COO, Flemingsberg Science
+46 703 35 25 77
Josefine Bresmar
Communication & Community Manager, Flemingsberg Science
+46 72 218 86 46

CIMED & Flemingsberg Science strengthen the ties between research and business in Flemingsberg
We at the Flemingsberg Science Foundation have launched a crucial development program to enhance collaboration opportunities between research infrastructures and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in Flemingsberg. This initiative is a collaborative effort with CIMED (Center for Innovative Medicine) and Karolinska Institutet.
Our work with research infrastructures and SMEs is immensely important, given that there are over 20 research infrastructures on the Flemingsberg Campus supporting high-tech basic and translational scientific research. Additionally, there are approximately an equal number of companies within the Life Science sector. The campus boasts expertise in areas such as imaging, bioinformatics, cell therapy, and motion analysis. These research infrastructures constitute a vital part of the campus’s unique resources for clinical and translational research. Therefore, we saw significant potential in developing the services of research infrastructures and fostering collaboration with companies in the Life Science sector.
Flemingsberg Business Community
Flemingsberg Business Community is for those working or operating businesses on campus or in Flemingsberg. We believe that anything is possible when the right individuals and companies come together. Within the community, we share experiences, discover synergies, and stay informed about each other and the developments on and around campus.
Campus Flemingsberg serves as an attractive breeding ground for entrepreneurship and knowledge-intensive activities. In Flemingsberg, development occurs alongside research and the public sector. The connection between education, research, and the business sector is not always self-evident, and we need to collaborate to find synergies and partnerships.
Sign up for our community here. You can also join our LinkedIn group here.

Flemingsberg Innovation Community
Whether you are an innovator, a student, a researcher, an employee or an entrepreneur, we work together so that your business idea enables you to grow and succeed.
We bring together organisations in Flemingsberg and the surrounding area and provide you with various types of support and help. Organisations that can help you with patent issues, business ideas, financing, development, scaling, collaboration with academia, society and business, co-working and networking.